Buckland Valley Farms and River Knoll Rainfall Forecast
- 85%
- 10%
- 20%
- 10%
- 30%
- 65%
- 45%
Buckland Valley Farms and River Knoll Rainfall Statistics
February Rainfall
Trenton, Mercer County Airport (4.3 miles)
Total Rainfall February
–Daily Average February
–Wettest Day
–Wet Days February
Climate (2010–Present)
Trenton, Mercer County Airport (4.3 miles)
Take a look at our website widgetsAvailable free! Find Out MoreAnnual Average 2020–2024
42.8inMonthly Average 2020–2025
3.6inDaily Average 2020–2025
0.1inWettest Day 1 September, 2021